Sunday, August 21, 2011

God is Awesomesauce

 So guess what ;-p  God in his amazingness has decided to expand the Tillotson Clan with not 1, but 2 new editions.  Yes we are pregnant... with twins.  Those of you who knew of our struggles with having a child can probably understand how excited we are.  Through the sad events of our pregnancy last fall, and other issues that we have run into, God once again shows that he will provide.  I don't think we could praise Him enough for His awesomeness.

We had our suspicions that it might be twins when the blood work was really high.  Well we went in for our first sonogram, and the first thing that she said was "Oh, it's twins!"  We were ecstatic with this news.  I was so happy, that I missed two exits trying to get to work.

In honor of Red vs. Blue, we are nicknaming them our Achievables, Bleep & Bloop.  Those who have seen the PSA on Achievements that Red vs Blue made would understand. 

Síochána a bheith agat le,
Tillotson Clan