Saturday, December 12, 2009

Iris, May You Find Rest and Happiness

Iris, we loved you so much. We remember getting you when you were only 3 pounds and could fit in the palm of our hands. You've always been our little fighter who would get through anything, and I mean anything. May it be taking on a dog 5 times your size and winning, or pulling through getting hit in the head by a car you always managed to fight on.

You were our little spaz that would find the most random things to play with. May it be one of your toys or a Dr. Pepper bottle.

All you've ever wanted was to be loved and to play with us. We would play with you and your toys, and then you would curl up with us and watch TV. Iris, We love you and will miss you.

Iris Thompson
January 21, 2007 - December 12, 2009
May you find rest and happiness

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day

Today November 11th, is Veterans Day. A holiday that was started as marking peace at the end of WWI. On November 8, 1954, it was changed from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. This is a day we honor those that have served our country to protect the rights that we have. To make it where each and every one of us can have an opinion, to disagree, or to not care if we so choose. To the men and women who have served our country through our nation's military the Tillitson Clan thanks you, and will continue to thank you.

Síochána a bheith agat le,
Tillitson Clan

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Love Christmas Time

Now I know what most of you are thinking, "November Just Started!!!"

But those who know me, know that Christmas is my FAVORITE time of the year. But yesterday was one of my favorite things to do at this time of year, and this year we've added more lights. For the first time since we moved into the house we have put lights onto the second floor.

First we started putting up the decorations in the house, tree, stockings, banister lights, swag lights off the balcony, etc. We even put some empty present boxes under the tree (we already gave each other our gifts when we bought the new tv last weekend. Overall it went pretty smoothly.

Putting up the outside lights was a whole different game. While trying to get up to the second floor, the ladder slid down while i was on it, that was fun, but i did get onto the roof without dieing. while up there i found where the two shingles that we found on the ground went, so i went ahead and repaired them. After trying to hang light with the shingle holders i found out the weight of the lights kept pulling them off, so we had to come up with something else. Lauren suggested running them along gutter on the side of the house, to allow them to be seen on Matlock. This worked great!!! So we got that done, and as i was walking back to the ladder i tripped on my jeans and freaked out Lauren for a second time. I did make it back down though, with out an injury. During this Lauren was decorating the trees and swing in the from lawn with lights as well as setting up the big penguin. While putting up the lights in front of the garage, I forgot to take into account that the drive way slopes down. While climbing the ladder it started to fall out from under me as I was climbing onto the roof again, fortunately it balanced back out after i got onto the roof. (otherwise it would have fallen on the car) Around this time it was getting dark, but we continued. We had enough lights to hang on the Matlock side on the first floor so we did. We got all of this plugged in and I realized to get the little penguins and snowmen plugged in, I need another extension cord and Lauren realized that only half of the lights on the swing did not work. We tried to fix it, but we couldn't figure out which light was out, so we said we'll finish it in the morning.

Today after church we went and got an extension cord and a net light to put on one of the bushes. When we got home, I set up the net light and got out the penguins and snowmen. Lauren replaced the swing lights with another set we had. While setting up the penguin and snowmen, i noticed that the snowmen are made with a more fragile plastic when i break the bottom out of one while attaching it. So as the saying goes "if duct tape can't fix it, it's not worth fixing" so i duct taped it on, and it worked. But we have all of the decorations done, and hope you enjoy the pictures, more of them will be on facebook.

Síochána a bheith agat le,
Tillitson Clan

Monday, October 5, 2009

Nice Hard Work

On Saturday, Lauren and I decided to make a new flowerbed in our front yard. First we went to Ace Hardware to get topsoil, mulch, etc. and then we got to work. I spent 3 1/2 hours shoveling out the ground that was heavily rooted, so of course now i'm sore. We then began planting, laying the soil and the mulch. We've surrounded it with brick, have a set of stepping stones, a few potted plants, and some statue critters in the bed. Now we just have to wait till spring for it to start growing. As sore as I am, I love doing yard work, and being able to see the results of it. I look forward to the spring a little more now.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To Do It Again

Tomorrow we start classes again, both Lauren and I. As we are getting ready we notice changes that are good, changes that are not, and that somethings will never change. But we both look forward to the new school year, and are ready for what is to come (for the most part), but we appreciate all of your prayers that you have sent, are sending, and will send for us.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Sunday, July 5, 2009

It's been a couple of weeks I guess

SO I realize that it has been a couple of weeks.

Not much has happened. On the fence we finished painting it and putting kick boards in. I had my wisdom teeth taken out last Wednesday.

We had fun with Lauren's family over 4th of July. I thought about writing a nice little story about how God made it possible for us to become this great nation we are, but I decided I couldn't do the story justice. SO maybe another time.

Lauren goes back to work on July 13th, and I go back on July 15th.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

P.S.: I don't think I'll put a link on Twitter and Facebook to get here, I just don't feel the need to today.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thank You Lord, For Allowing Us To Build A Fence

So we rebuilt the fence this week, we started on Sunday evening and finished it today.

On Sunday we began taking down some of the panels, and a few of the posts. Joe was there to help us that evening, and he ended up having a post break and in response it busted joe's head open. (we did avenge his head 2 days later).

On Monday, David Reed came and mowed our lawn (we had had problems with my mower and Joe came and halep0ed out some more. We also set the post on one side of my yard.

On Tuesday we got another blessing, we had all of this old fence and couldn't hall it all easily. Well some guys came up and asked if they could have some of the old panels and we said sure. We also set the post on the street side of my yard. Jerry and Cory also came over and helped us put up the panels on the first side of my yard. Then we dug new holes for the gate side, and set the posts.

On Wednesday we continued to put up panels, and more people came and took the old panels. We also continued to put up panels on the street side. That evening we put up the gate side panels.

On Thursday, we halled off what was left of the fence (most of it was already taken) and put up the gate. We did run into some problems with the gate, but it is nothing we really need to worry about.

I do want to thank some people for this. God, none of it could have been possible with out you. Mark, my father-in-law, whom probably worked harder on this fence than anyone. Joe, we couldn't have done it with out your tools, and i enjoyed the extra help you gave us. Jerry and Cory, you sped up the work load a great deal. And finally my wife Lauren, You helped where ever we needed you and made sure we didn't dehydrate, I love you so much.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

P.S.: We do still have a few things to do now that the fence is built, so if you want to help we would greatly appreciate it.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Leadership Training Camp

I don't want to get to into this here, if you want to know what all happened just ask me i'll let you know.

So I went to LTC this year, and it was a blast. I met a lot of great guys and had a lot of fun. Like I said, i'm going to keep this sweet and simple... God used LTC to do something that i've needed for a long time. He used it to humble me, to a point that I have never been before. It reminded me of things that I knew I should have been doing but had stopped. Through all of this, I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ.

I thought i'd leave you with a picture I took while at camp yesterday.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Update From September

For those that do not know, back at the end of August, Lauren's uncle was shot and killed. (if you go to my facebook notes, you'll find the story) Well, we found out today, that this past Monday the guy who shot him was sentenced to life in prison. Please pray for Lauren and her family as they deal with this new information.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today is a special day. Even though we use this day for bar-b-ques, picnics, family reunions, and trips to the lake, we need to take a moment to remember what today is about. Memorial Day is a day to honor those soldiers who sacrificed their lives for us to keep our freedoms. Even if you don't agree with a war that we have been in, those soldiers still fought and died for you to have the right not to agree. So lets take a moment of silence for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

3 Years

Since tomorrow will be the three year anniversary for the Tillitson Clan being what it is with mine and Lauren's marriage, I thought I'd do a brief overview of the past year.

This time last year, I had just been hired by the school I am currently working at and preparing to change careers. Lauren was finishing up her first year as a full time teacher. Lauren went to training for AP training as I was finishing up my last job. As I finished up, Lauren and I took a vacation to see her parents brand new house they just bought, which I love. I then began my new teacher training, which ended with me getting pneumonia. Fun. Lauren and I were then went to our district trainings together as we prepared for the new year. My 26th birthday came up where us and a bunch of friends basically had a night on the town in down town Ft. Worth. This was a blast.

The fall was a rough start for both of us. In At the end of August, Lauren's uncle was shot and killed. It was a hard funeral, but I'm glad God put me there to be for my wife and her family. At Lauren's school she had to deal with a classroom that should not have been a class room. She is still in there today, but with God on her side she has made it work. I on the other hand went through culture shock. As much as they try to prepare you for in teacher training, they can't really train you for what I went through. I entered my school, and my kids for the first 6 weeks tried to push me to where I wanted to leave. Thankfully I had God on my side. He gave me the strength to endure and when the kids realized that I wasn't leaving things greatly improved.

In November, Lauren's brother came to live with us for a month. This had its ups and downs. On one hand it was nice seeing him, on the other, we got burned out by having him here. We celebrated Lauren's 25th birthday at the start of the month as well, we went to The West End with a bunch of our friends as well. The West End isn't what it used to be, but we still had fun. Lauren then went to a conference and she had fun. Unfortunately I did as well. I spent over $300 on comics, movies, and video games. Thanksgiving was a blast. We saw most of my family out in East Texas.

December was a month with some ups and some serious downs. My favorite time of the year is Christmas which always raises my spirits. We had a wonderful Christmas with Lauren's family, as I knew we would. While we were gone, I had gotten word that my Papa had a heart attack. On our way back home, Lauren and her family dropped me off at the hospital in Tyler to be with my family. When Lauren got home our dog Darrel was hurt. You don't want to know the details, so I won't say them. On December 29, that morning Lauren had to put Darrel down, his injury had led to a serious infection. On top of that, my Papa passed. This was one of the hardest, if not the hardest Christmases for me EVER.

January was a month of joy which was needed, but also some frustration. Our friends, Tommy and Crystal told us they were pregnant. We are so happy for them. Not going to lie, we were a little jealous, because we have been trying, and when God says it's time, it will be time. Lauren's brother came to stay with us for another month. His struggling to get a job turned into frustration and he ended up putting a whole in the wall of our house. (which he repaired) In February I went to Austin for a convention, which I enjoyed. I also met Lauren's dad in Austin to drop off her brother. In March my school gave me another hat and I began working on school schedules. Good thing I pick up computer programs well, because I had no training on how to do this. This was also a time when Lauren was having frustrations at work again that had to lead to some serious considerations, but Lauren put her kids first and will be gladly teaching them again next year. In April, as teachers we had to deal with TAKS testing. I'm not against a testing for accountability reasons, it is just difficult to test kids all day long.

We are now in the month of May and closing up the 3rd year of marriage. A week and a half ago, Lauren's dog Iris was hit by a car. Thankfully God was watching her. Two complete strangers saw her and called the vet number that was on her tags. You can read the "Iris Updates" for further info on this. She is doing wonderful now, her meds have been cut in half and she is as peppy as can be. (And no she's not on that kind of medication.) Well tomorrow is our 3 year anniversary and here's to many more.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wearing Kilts, 'Cause That's How We Roll

So today we went to Scarborough Fair. We had a blast. We went with Pop and Kathy, who brough Caden with them. So Lauren made kilts and sashes for us two and Caden , this was a lot of fun. The kilts were in the Tillitson clan colors, but I'm not sure if it was the right plad. I don't think it really matters though. But we had to wear kilts, 'cause that's how we role. We will have pictures for you later, but I'm waiting on Kathy to email them to me. (We forgot to recharge the camera batteries ;-p ) We also bought some stuff, that is a lot of fun.

Update on Iris: She is doing even better, she's walking around (not as graceful as I'd like, but I'll give it time.)

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Taking Care Of The Pup

So taking care of Iris has been interesting. Especially the waking up every 2 hours to feed her (I guess this is God preparing me for my future.) (Not now, but at some point.) We have some awesome friend that do help out in this during the day. The awkward thing is giving her fluids. The have to be injected into the skin, which creates a bubble that she gradually absorbs. The other hard part is her pills. She HATES pills. She bit me today while I was trying to give her pills. She didn't mean to bite me, but she was trying to keep her mouth shut, so fighting it she would end up biting me. Then she would still spit out the pills, URRGGG!!!! Ok, must remember to be patient, just like the doctor said. You know it really seems like God is preparing me for something through this ;-p .

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Iris is Home!!!

So we brought Iris home today. YAY!!! She is doing ok. Her eye is stitched shut at this time, but they will be removed in about three weeks. She is on quite a few medications, and she is still pretty low key, but she has improved so much. We will have to do some nursing duty on her for the next few days, and thankfully we have some awesome friends who are going to help out on the next two days. We will have to take her up to the hospital for day boarding a couple of days over the next week, but the day boarding costs are much lower than everything else. The doctor told us that in about 3 months, we most likely won't be able to tell the difference between how Iris will be, and how she was before the accident.

In other news, on Monday we are taking the day off to relax and celebrate our Anniversary (3 days early) which will give us two 3 day weekends in a row ;-p . And after this week, we will only have 2 weeks left of school (SWEET!)

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Iris Update 2

So we went to see Iris today. She ate a little today, and she is not strapped down anymore so that is good. Her right eye (the side the car hit) is not blinking though. They are having to hold her eye lid shut with a piece of string and lubricate the eye. Because she hasn't been blinking in that eye, she has developed an ulster in the eye. But on the bright side, there is a chance that we can take her home tomorrow. We'll keep you updated.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Iris Update 1

So we went to the animal hospital today, and Iris is doing better. The swelling on her head went down so she looks better. She is also a lot calmer, and is blinking now. So we are more optimistic than we were yesterday. She is still on oxygen and pain medicine at this time. The vet said if she continues the way she is going we should be able to take her home in a couple of days. Iris will become an inside dog though, we are setting up the kitchen to be her area.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Friday, May 8, 2009


Today Iris was hit by a car. Apparently she undid her chain hook, and escape. She walked down Matlock, and began to cross Country Club. As she was crossing, a car clipped her on the side of the head. Fortunately two people saw it, and went to her. She had her tags on, so the people were able to call the vet and animal control. Animal control took her to the vet for me.

At the vet, the could not find any broken bones, but she was bleeding from her nose and inner ear. The vet fears that she may have neurological damage, but at this time there is no way to know. They did ask us to take her to the 24 hour vet place so they could keep an eye on her.

The 24 hour vet told us the fact that she survived the hit is a good sign, but there are still a good chance of problems. Fortunately she is not feeling any pain unless she starts flailing around. The brain is almost in a off state, but it's a coping mechanism for her pain. But when she would hear Lauren or my voice she would start coming out of it and go into pain. So we are leaving her at the hospital so she can get some rest. They did say that the could not find any broken bones so far, but they are doing x-rays just to be sure. I will keep you posted.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Sunday, May 3, 2009

End of a Long Month

Can I just start off saying April was a loooooooooooong month. I don't really know why, but Lauren and I are both thankful. It wasn't all bad, we got a new car. But a LOT happened this past month with this last week being TAKS test. We are so glad those are over, it makes school weird and there is no perfect way to handle it because the students don't really know how to handle when they are not testing. Anyway, here's looking to May with only 4 weeks left of school and then a break. And as we are in May, Lauren and I are not bringing any work home with us. Honestly, I think this might be the hardest one for us because it has become so second nature. We'll see how it works out.

Oh yeah, Lauren said I can get an iphone as soon as we pay off the credit card, YAY!!! (And yes, that is a realistic goal. Only a few more months.)

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And Some Things Stay The Same

Well, the news that we were waiting to hear about was if Lauren got the job at Hampton with me. Well she did not, my school does not have the budget to afford her (she is so awesome that she cost too much ;-p) But she is glad that things are working out this way, so that makes me happy as well.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Change Can Be Good... Sometimes

OK well I guess it is time for updates.

First, on the news from the last post, I still don't have the update yet. I will get it to you as soon as I can.

Sad, but not necessarily bad news. For a few weeks there had been rumors that my Senior Director, Priscilla Pharms, was going to be leaving our school for our sister school in Arlington. Well Friday our Chief of Schools announced that this is going to happen. First I just want to say that she is probably the best boss that I have EVER had. This is the type of boss that you always want, she has been supportive, and has guided me where I have needed it, as has the rest of my administrative staff. But our school in Arlington desperately needs her at this time, and she feels that we are ready to carry on without her. So I have decided, that if she thinks we can do it without her being there, then I'm going to trust that decision.

Now for the exciting news. Lauren's car had its inspection up again. Well her check engine light came up (as it did last year) and we were going to have to get some repairs. now what frustrates me most about this, is that the things that needed to be repaired had nothing to do with the safety or drivability of the car, but with its emissions system. I'm sorry I do not want to pay $600 plus dollars to fix something I don't even agree should be required to get fixed, especially when I paid to fix the EXACT same thing this time last year. So after discussing with Lauren, we decided to go to the chevy dealership and look at HHR's. Lauren has wanted one, since Mikie and Lindsey got one. So the sales man offered us $1000 for the Integra, (personally, I don't think it's worth that much) and we were able to put a downpayment with that. Well come to find out the price tag was wrong, it was supposed to be $5000 more, but they have to honor the listed price, so we got a great deal. So we now have a 2007 black Chevy HHR, and we LOVE it. Now here is the irony of it all. My Cavalier, we swore this would be the first car we got rid of, well we got rid of Lauren's Mazda back in July of 2007, and now we've gotten rid of the Acura Integra, and we still have the Cavalier. That thing has given me so many problem, but it takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Yay Chevys ;-p ! If it can make it till Deceember of 2010, I'll be happy. (If we can, we'll trade it in for a truck which is what I want.)

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wait One Week

We hope to have some news (no not baby news, but that would be awesome) for y'all next Friday, we'll let you know in a week.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Giving Something Up, 1 Month at a Time

So, you've probably been wondering why you haven't heard anything on here in a while. Well, the Sunday that we were coming back from Kerrville, we decided to give something (or do something extra to better our selves) up each month.
January - Go to the gym 3 times a week
February - No trips to the mall
March - No Internet/No Reality TV (had to make it fair for each of us)(also why we haven't been online)
April - No Video Games/No Sweets (same reason as March)
May - No bringing home work, it must ALL be done at work
June - No Cokes of any kind
July - No Cable/Regular TV (DVD's only)
August - A week with no TV or movies (We decided it would be during our week off during August)
September - No Fast Food
October - No spending of our budgeted fun money (instead it will be included to our tithes and offerings)
November - No eating out (eat out money will go to tithes and offerings)
December - No being negative (this will probably be the hardest)

We are going to try this out for 2 years, we'll see how it works.

Until Next Time,
Tillitson Clan

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Comming to the end of Vacation

So as we come to the end of our vacation i've realized something. Do to all of the energy that I used to use teaching, I don't have an outlet that allows me to release this much energy. Lauren says you get use to it, so hopefully i will. But here i am at 10:30, she's asleep and i'm wide awake. urg!!! I need to get back to teaching, thankfully that starts on Monday.

So while we've been gone, Tommy calls me and tells me that Iris is able to run, so that her chain becomes unlatched and then she goes into the neighbors yard. I'm so ready to get that fence fixed. So tommy, had to rap her chain aroung the loop of her coller a couple of times and then latch it, thankfully that has worked... so far.

Any way, we will be making our 5 hour drive home tomorrow, and then finishing preparing for school for next week. We hope you have had a blessed week this past week, and we ask that you pray for safe travels in general, because tomorrow ends spring break for the majority of people.

Until next time,
Tiilitson Clan

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Beginning

Ok, so after tommy and crystal started up a blog it got me thinking that a gfamily blog is a great idea. so lauren and i started up the tillitson clan (the family name before coming to america and changing the name to thompson). Right now we are in Kerville relaxing. next week we start the last quarter of the school. after the school year is over we are going to fix our rotten fence, so that we can take Cael and Iris off of their chains. For those that don't know, Cael is our half lab half something else (possibly a pit, but it is not confirmed) and Iris is ou Puggle (half pug, half beagle). But we are going to keep you updated on life. Until next time.