Tuesday, January 10, 2012

They Are A Week Old (Or They Were 3 Days Ago)

Achievables of the Week (Bleep Bloop)

Zadok, breaths room air (the same 21% oxygen that you and I breath) with the help of his CPAP.  He has gained 2 ounces.  He has done pushups, not only off of his bed, but also from his Daddy's chest.  Apparently, since their heads aren't as big as a new born, they are able to lift themselves a little easier.  Zad is no longer on a PICC IV (which he was getting nutrients from), he now consumes 15 ml of breast milk every 3 hours.  With his strong grabbing skills, he is a Thumb War Champion in the making.

Ezekiel as can see in the photo, has wide open peepers.  He is consuming 18 ml of breast milk with 4-5 calories added in.  This obviously means that he no longer has a PICC IV either.  Zeke is at 23% oxygen, and can fill a diaper like no other.  He is loved by nurses for his easy going manner.  (Player)

In honor of their super hero status, the following sign has been posted in their room.  For those that don't know the symbols put into the letters they are the following: ZAD - Green Lantern, Captain America, and Nightwing; ZEKE - Flash, Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man.  Shaun found this as a wonderful replacement of their old sign which said "Twin A" & "Twin B"

Shaun has gone back to work, Lauren is eating and recovering, and Super Lolo changed his fir grandchild's diaper. Bleep Bloop.

Síochána a bheith agat le,
Tillotson Clan

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