Yes we are a couple days late, but here we go.
It's hard to imagine that 6 months have passed by. From the 12 weeks 6 days early birth to the 14 1/2 weeks in the NICU.
Zad is at 24 1/2 inches and 12 lbs 1 oz.
Zeke is at 24 inches and 12 lbs 14 ozs.
They are both sitting up with assistance and getting oh so close to doing by theirselves. They have gotten "g" & "c/k" sounds coming out along with the vowels. Last week the boys had a conversation with one another, and when they see each other they have big grins on their faces. Today we are going to start baby cereal!!!
Mom & Dad are excited to be at half a year and are looking forward to advances that are coming.
Dia, Teaghlaigh, Seirbhís
Tillitson Clan
Plus the amazing almost 3 months of having both boys home has been great