Sunday, April 4, 2010

In Honor of Easter

Yesterday I found a piece of paper under my windshield at Sam's that had the title "My Testimony" and in honor of the anniversary of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I thought that I would post it.

"My Testimony"
Twenty-nine years ago the Lord saved me at a motel in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was about 8:00 in the morning. I was about to drink some wine and work some.
I was not happy that morning and very despondent. I know now that God worked it out that way.
I was sitting at a table in the motel room about to go to work. I turned on the radio looking for some music, but I found someone talking about God. He said, If you will ask the Lord to please forgive your sins, He will save you and give you a new life, and then thank Him.
Well, I thought about it just about a minute. I did not trust, but I went to the bed and knelt down, and said, Lord, if you are real like this man said, please forgive my sins and save me and give me a new life. Then I thanked him.
I didn't know what being saved was, but I immediately lost my despondency and I felt peaceful and full of joy. I asked the Lord, If I'm really saved, help me to not sin.
So friend, if you feel the Lord speaking to you and you would like to be saved and have a new life, get off by yourself and pray. Ask the Lord to forgive your sins and save you. If you mean business with God, He will save you.
-Inspired by God

I read this and began thinking of when I was truly saved. I was great at being a two-face. When around people I could appear as this perfect innocent person, but on my own I did A LOT that I'm not proud of. This can be a stressful way to live, because it requires a great deal of lies to keep the two separate. But, no one can keep that up for ever and the two sides eventually met. It caused someone to get hurt, and at that moment I heard God say "Shaun, stop being dumb! This is not the plan that I have for you, you will change" and at that moment I felt different, a release from the "two-face" life. I now have a relationship with my savior, and God has showed me how to use that time of my life as a way to help share Him with others.

By reading this first I have a question, Do you have that relationship with Him, that He desires? And second if so, take this time to reflect on your testimony, and the blessings that God has given you.

Síochána a bheith agat le,
Tillitson Clan

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